Two New FSC Certification Bodies Accredited

Effective 26 June 2021, Assurance Services International (ASI) has accredited Česká společnost pro jakost, z.s. (CSQ). CSQ will be able to audit and issue certificates for FSC Chain of Custody, excluding controlled wood, in the Czech Republic. 

Effective 24 July 2021, Assurance Services International (ASI) has accredited Neocert Certificações Florestais e Agrícolas Ltda (NEO). Neocert will be able to audit and issue certificates for FSC Forest Management and Chain of Custody, excluding controlled wood, in Brazil.  

To receive the accreditation, Neocert and CSQ were evaluated by ASI and had demonstrated their ability to conduct impartial assessments to issue FSC certificates according to the established criteria. 

Source: FSC New,  14 September 2021

Author ForestIn

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